Posts Tagged: Portland Maine
Spotlight on Public Affairs shows on WMPG
Do you know about our amazing Public Affairs shows? WMPG is putting the spotlight on our incredible public affairs shows. Focused on bringing together and informing the Greater Portland Community, these seven shows are connecting us with what’s going on in our community, and we’d love for you to give them a listen. First up in the week is Community Voices for Change, with host Richard Rudolph, airing Mondays at 11:30 AM. In his talk…

WMPG Sock Drive for Maine Needs
From now until Monday, Nov 20th, WMPG will be hosting a sock drive for the Maine Needs Organization . From Maine Needs – “MAINE NEEDS is a community donation center that relies on the generosity of the community to help meet the basic needs of all in Maine.” Maine Needs is asking for socks of all sizes and we ask that these socks are new. To donate socks to the drive, come visit us at the WMPG station, 92…

JAM – Jazz at the Movies April 29th
In celebration of International Jazz Day, WMPG’s Jazz At the Movies (JAM) will be showing the film “Blue Note Records- Beyond the Notes” on Saturday April 29th at the Portland Conservatory of Music. This movie is about the Blue Note Record label, but it is more about the Blue Note founders and the chemistry between them and the great musicians that recorded on this label. This is truly a case where the musicians made the record label what…

Rock legend, ROBYN HITCHCOCK, live on WMPG this Weds. 3-4pm
Join DJ Shaxx for an exclusive interview and performance with alternative rock legend, ROBYN HITCHCOCK, this Weds. 3-4pm. Listen live locally at 90.9fm or on-line at Robyn Hitchcock is one of England’s most enduring contemporary singer/songwriters and live performers. A surrealist poet, talented guitarist, cult artist and musician’s musician, Hitchcock is among alternative rock’s father figures and is the closest thing the genre has to a Bob Dylan (not coincidentally his biggest musical inspiration). Since founding…

WMPG Record/CD Sale sets new record!
Wow – Thanks to everyone who made the 21st Annual Record Sale a huge success! The weather was perfect, the set-up and clean-up was the fastest ever. After deducting expenses, donations to WMPG from this event are $11,394. This is the most ever from the annual record sale. Thanks to everyone who donated records and CDs or helped work the event. It couldn’t have happened without all your help. The Friday night load-in was amazing!…

WMPG’s Two Day “Production Studio Re-Do” raises over $6,200!
A huge thanks to everyone who donated or attended this past Friday and Saturday to WMPG’s “Production Room Studio Re-Do” pledge drive and CD/Record & BBQ. With all the donations now added up we raised over $6200. Thanks especially to all the WMPG volunteers who made it all possible. The DJ’s themselves have already donated more than $10,000 to this project and with grant money received from the Maine Association of Broadcasters and now money raised…
Welcome Jessica Lockhart – WMPG’s new Program Director!
We are happy to report that Jessica Lockhart has been named WMPG Program Director. Her official start date began on May 16th. For those of you not familiar with Jessica, she has a long history with WMPG and USM. She currently is a USM Media Studies Instructor for Audio Production. For WMPG she has taught classes in Hindenburg and Audacity, assisted us with managing our Begathons and previously served as WMPG Program Director. She also helps with training the incoming…

WMPG’s 12th annual WMPG Fashion Show Sunday April 10th at Port City Music Hall!
Local designers of wearable art for women, men and children will show their most creative fashions on the WMPG runway on Sunday April 10th, 7pm doors, 8 pm show at Port City Music Hall. Artistic Director Cindy Flanders reports that this year’s show includes works from new and returning designers. Styles run the spectrum from formal to street. Statement Jewelry pieces, repurposed, up-cycled and embellished clothing as well as vintage inspired garments. WMPG’s Fashion Show…

WMPG DJ Jackie Nice Video Profile
WMPG DJ Jackie Nice was recently interviewed and had a video profile done on her by Randy Visser and Standing Oak Media . It is a wonderful feature that shows Jackie at home talking about her life and how she ended up at WMPG bringing us her weekly Eastern Sands program heard every Sunday from 3:30-5pm. Thanks Randy and great job! Profile Video Link